About The Wyant Cybersecurity Brief with Tom Wyant
The Wyant Cybersecurity Brief is your #1 go-to that shows you how to quickly take meaningful action to safeguard your digital presence.
About The Wyant Cybersecurity Brief with Tom Wyant
The Wyant Cybersecurity Brief is your #1 go-to that shows you how to quickly take meaningful action to safeguard your digital presence.
Cybersecurity Is For Everybody

Visionary entrepreneurs and companies have big dreams, and they need to understand why cybersecurity is important to protect and enhance that dream.
At the same time, companies are afraid to implement smart cybersecurity because they’re afraid their internal users will revolt and their external customers will cancel the service because it’s too annoying to use.
While IT professionals feel they are providing a public service and looking out for their users, those being asked to follow the protocols sometimes feel like they’re being subjected to a bunch of arbitrary rules designed to make their lives miserable.
Regardless of which side of the fence you land on, it all comes down to communication – people struggle to explain things in a way that makes users and customers feel good about what they’ve got to do to stay safe and secure.
Let’s change that.
The Wyant Cybersecurity Brief takes you on an exciting (yes, exciting) journey into various aspects of cybersecurity, breaking down complex concepts into plain, everyday language that listeners from all walks of life can easily understand.
The Wyant Cybersecurity Brief takes you on an exciting (yes, exciting) journey into various aspects of cybersecurity, breaking down complex concepts into plain, everyday language that listeners from all walks of life can easily understand.
One of the biggest problems with cybersecurity today is the lack of information – or more correctly, the lack of clear, concise information.
Looking up “cybersecurity” or “managed security service providers” gives you 7 million different answers – each with a different opinion, a different tech stack, and a lot of complex terminology.
For some, it feels like it’s designed to overwhelm you and scare you into investing in expensive solutions you don’t understand.
Meanwhile, you’re just saying “tell me what I need.”
From tech-savvy individuals wanting to enhance their existing knowledge to beginners seeking to increase their cybersecurity literacy, The Wyant Cybersecurity Brief is your #1 go-to that shows you how to quickly take meaningful action to safeguard your digital presence.
A lot of these cybersecurity protocols can be annoying and aggravating – even if you understand why they’re for your own good, it feels like they’re just getting in the way of you doing your job and living your life.
We’re here to show you how cybersecurity is a smart investment that helps you gain more enjoyment and fulfillment in your business and life.
Tom Wyant, a Managed Service Provider with 30+ years’ experience, takes you on an exciting (yes, exciting) journey into cybersecurity, breaking down complex concepts into plain, everyday language that listeners from all walks of life can easily understand.
Working hands-on with clients, he discovered the best way to help them understand and implement smart cybersecurity is to actually listen and uphold standards.
Through conversations, updates, and alerts, he takes something like cybersecurity – which many people dread as an expense, a chore, or just an annoyance – and makes it easy and fun (yes, fun) for everyone.